Tag: Writing A Dissertation

7 Viable Dissertation Topic Ideas For Writing A Dissertation On International Relations!

Students engrossed in their studies at libraryUndoubtedly, a lengthy project on international relations shows that the student has a sound knowledge of the problematical governance and relations all over the world. Furthermore, the dissertation on international relation demonstrates the critical thinking skills of student that can contribute in practical scenarios.

Therefore, the dissertation on international relation should be researched extensively to highlight relevant fact and a workable opinion appropriately. However, here are 7 inspirational dissertation topic ideas for international relations.

1. War
Students of international relation field can create a well-researched dissertation about the consequences and effects of war. By doing the in-depth study of this topic you will not only discuss the past in your project but also help people to secure their present and future.

Moreover, in the past decade there have been numerous wars so you could easily pick up a topic without reading the history of the world. Thus, spend some time and come forward with a worthwhile topic on a war to help people bring together with your findings.

2. Globalization
Another popular topic to develop a lengthy project on IR is Globalization and its impact. We all know that globalization had fast and major impacts on the world economies. But in your dissertation you will need to provide detail researched based statistics about the change in trade and economy of the world.

Fortunately, internet is full of information regarding the impact of globalization so you will easily get plenty of information for your final year project. Hence, you could easily describe the impact of globalization that has opened up the ways of trade for many emerging economies across the world.

3. Immigration
Like war and globalization, immigration is also a right topic of international relations. You could easily get a bundle of information regarding the effects of immigration on an economy over the internet without requesting anyone do my dissertation for me.

Additionally, you will also need to research all the factors that force people from a country to migrate to another nation. Make sure to discuss the law related to immigration of every country to give the reader a better idea. This is because every country not welcome immigrants from across the world.

4. Human Rights
This is the most suitable topic to develop a dissertation on international relations. Human rights are rights that are basic needs for all human beings, regardless of the nationality, gender, color, religion, language, or status. Every human being is equally entitled to worlds human rights without discrimination.

These rights secure humans from any sort of discrimination. If you choose to write a lengthy project on this topic you will make a wise decision because you will easily research information on this topic.

5. Colonization
This is a really a worthwhile topic to develop a dissertation on IR. By choosing this topic, students need to show the process by which powerful nations occupy the surrounding lands. Moreover, you will need to give detailed information about the sentiment of different colonies in America or Australia. You will also need to research how people start trading, agriculture, and other activities in their newly developed colonies.

6. United Nations Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact is a great is a hot topic to develop a dissertation especially on international relations. In order to develop a project on this topic you will need to research the policies of businesses worldwide.

You will need to develop a well-researched report that will discuss the outcome of the UN Global Compact. And for this you will need to share detail information regarding its principles such as human rights, labor rights, the impact on environment and anti-corruption.

7. International Health Regulations
The International Health Regulations is a workable idea to prepare a dissertation on international relations. When it comes to develop a lengthy project on international health regulations students need to conduct in-depth research to find out regulations that form international law.

Basically, the aim of this topic is to assist countries to work together to protect humans from dangerous diseases and other health risks. Hopefully, by reading the information shared in this article any student could easily develop a final year project on international relations.