Author: rochelleceira

6 Best Dissertation Topics For History!

Topics For History!Selecting the right topic for the dissertation is the biggest task for the majority history students. Always remember that if you have the right approach so you will definitely go with the right topic for your dissertation task.

Make it very clear that poorly writing dissertation has the ability to affect your academic career badly, therefore, you should be careful in selecting the right dissertation topic. Do not get influenced by the myth that in history, students have limited options when it comes to topics for the dissertation.

This write-up is worth reading for you because it reveals some great and worth-noticing topics for your dissertation. Selecting anyone of them will really help you to accomplish your dissertation task successfully. Below are those topics so you should make sure that you take a look at them thoroughly as it is the matter of your academic career.

1. The facts behind Crimean war
If you have the interest to study about different wars in history then you should go with it. Always remember that if you do it with great interest so you will accomplish it successfully. As it comes to Crimean war so you may go with various topics such as the reasons behind its popularity for being a modern war and the main reasons behind this war. The more you study it the more topics will come in your mind, therefore, start reading about it.

2. The history of Napoleon III
This is also an interesting topic for your dissertation task. If you have the interest to read about famous personalities of history then going with this topic is not a bad idea for you. While digging out about this particular topic, lots of ideas will come in your mind such as the ways of Napoleon III came to power and his attitude about Vienna system. Therefore if this topic attracts you most then start reading books related to it. You can also get a help from professional writers assisting a student who always asks to write my dissertation for me UK.

3. The facts of an Italian unification
You should know that it was the social as well as a political movement which assisted in unifying various states of Italy in the 19th century. It started at the end of the rule of Napoleon as well as the Vienna’s Congress back in 1815. It is the topic which will manifest great facts thus you will have great ideas of the dissertation. You can go with the reasons behind Italian unification, and facts that how much it has benefited the masses. As it comes to research material in this regard so you will find it easily.

4. The facts about German Unification
It is another interesting topic for your dissertation task and if you talk about its research material so it is available. It means you will not take enough time in finding useful research material. You should know that Germany got united back in 1871 as Otto von Bismarck made efforts for unifying every independent state into one single nation. There will be lots of ideas you will come across such as the actual events that paved a way for this German unification and the importance of Bismarck for the German unification.

5. The First World War
It is the easy topic in a way that you can easily find useful research material for it and libraries are full of useful books about First World War. You should know that this war affected the Europe badly and it took a long time to get on the progressive track again. There are various topic ideas such as which country to blame for actually paving a way for this war and how much it affected the world.

6. The history of Mussolini
You should know that he was the famous dictator in Italy back in 1922. You should know that he was the one who governed that country with his own fascist ideology. As it comes to research material for it so you can find it easily. He sided with Nazis in the Second World War. You will have lots of topic ideas in this regard such as how he actually came to power and how he actually attained it. If this topic is attracting you so do not waste your time anymore and go with it.

Top 5 Reasons To Pursue A Degree In STEM!

Top 5 Reasons To Pursue A Degree In STEMHave you decided to pursue your degree in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics field? This can be one of the most incredible decisions you have ever made. It is the era of innovation advancement and modernisation.

STEM is a field that is growing at a blazing fast speed. It has now become the most highly paid areas in the corporate sector. Moreover, it is a great direction for the newcomers to take. But wait! Is it really right for you?

1. Cross-Marketability of Skills
It is not something like you are a programmer then you can suddenly decide to switch to theoretical physics. However, the basic skills that you learn and develop remain useful in several other professions.

You learn mathematics, problem-solving, how to fill a mountain of paperwork, and research methods by studying in the field of science or technology. There are a number of jobs across the industry that requires multiple skills, knowledge, and education in which you are already qualified.

In case you change your profession or have a hard time in finding one right path, you can ask UK dissertation help and get their expert opinion on every aspect of your academic affair or career-related matters.

2. Higher Pay
Choosing STEM as a career path is not just limited to a great job opportunity. It also provides a job with higher pays. 63% of the people holding a degree in STEM have high paying jobs as compared to people having a degree in any other field.

Apart from this, 47% of the people having a degree in STEM make more money than a person with PhD in other fields. In simpler words, it can be said that you are likely to make more money in this field than any other.

3. Job Market
Did you know that total population of the world is increasing by over 1.1% each year? Then you must be worried that whether you will get a job when done with your degree right? You must be worried in terms of job availability to you.

You are right. This could become a major issue. But, since you have chosen STEM, you have excelled your career at a safe side. There is a wide range of jobs in this field from research assistant to physics educator.

More jobs are added time to time. So… there is no need of getting tensed regarding job placement, you are never going to find scarcity of jobs in STEM.

4. Creativity
Since STEM develops problem-solving and critical thinking abilities in you. You can become a good problem solver at both work and life as well. Furthermore, being trained in STEM can also help you in many aspects of the real world and even save you a lot of money.

If you are passionate about computer engineering there are chances you won’t take you laptop to a technician. In the same way, if you are interested in statistics and maths then you probably like to calculate your taxes by your own.

5. Pleasure
If you love technology, innovation, and science than there is no better field than this to go. There are many people who love and have a passion for science and technology and they are not just limited to their jobs but also their interest.

Loving your profession is something when your grades weren’t the best, even if your pay isn’t as high as you expected, but sill you like doing what you love is a reward itself.